I am looking to make use of the WriteRTFFile() function in the VPE ActiveX control in Visual Foxpro, to handle conversions of existing RTF reports into VPE Documents.
Currently our user base is using a mix of:
VPE 3.5 Enhanced Edition
VPE 3.6 Professional
and we are looking to roll out to VPE 4.0 Professional Edition.
In testing, I'm getting the following error when calling VPEDoc.WriteRTFFile() using VPE 3.5 Enhanced:
OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from VpeControl.VpeControl.35: VPEAX05: Sorry, this feature is not implemented in this edition of VPE...
Can you clarify which versions of VPE are able to use VPEDoc.WriteRTFFile() ?
I've gone through the documentation, but couldn't find anything definitive.