to 1st: Sorry for my bad english
My problem:
i have a form (created from a example in "VPE Control Reference.chm" chapter "chart"):
- Code: Select all
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Math
Imports IDEALSoftware.VpeCommunity
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Data As TVPEChartData
Data = Doc.ChartDataCreate(3, 3) // 3 Rows and 3 Columns
Doc.ChartTitle = "Sales"
Doc.ChartSubTitle = "Northern Region Sales Department, July '98"
Doc.ChartFootNote = "Measuring by Data Measure Inc. 10/98"
Doc.ChartLegendPosition = ChartLegendPosition.Top
Data.XAxisTitle = "Month"
Data.YAxisTitle = "Pieces in thousand"
Data.AddLegend("200 Mhz CPU's")
Data.AddLegend("300 Mhz CPU's")
Data.AddLegend("400 Mhz CPU's")
Data.AddValue(0, 10) '// Row 0
Data.AddValue(0, 20)
Data.AddValue(0, 25)
Data.AddValue(1, 7) '// Row 1
Data.AddValue(1, 10)
Data.AddValue(1, 20)
Data.AddValue(2, 3) '// Row 2
Data.AddValue(2, 5)
Data.AddValue(2, 8)
Doc.ChartXLabelStartValue = 7
Doc.Chart(1, 1, -18, -18, Data, ChartType.Bar3D)
End Sub
End Class
"Doc" is the name of the vpe-control.
I don't found "TVPEChartData" in VPE-control.
I work with VS2008-Prof. and VPE-Community-Edition.
I hope you can help me.