Link to website and fonctionnal in PDF exportation

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Link to website and fonctionnal in PDF exportation

Postby simonlec » Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:04 am


What's the best method to create a link to a website in a vpe report and these link will be fonctionnal when the report will be exported in the PDF format?

Ex: we write in the report «visit your website» and the compagnie website will open in the default browser of the user
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Re: Link to website and fonctionnal in PDF exportation

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:55 am

You can achieve this by using the latest version v7.20 of VPE, the Professional Edition - or higher - and RTF.

In the RTF document, write the hyperlink. Then import the RTF file with VpeWriteRTFFile().

If the hyperlink in the RTF file is declared as an RTF field - like Word or LibreOffice do - then VPE will export it to PDF.
IDEAL Software Support
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Re: Link to website and fonctionnal in PDF exportation

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:42 am

The last post contains some misinformation.

It is correct that VPE v7.20 now parses hyperlink fields in RTF, but this has nothing to do with hyperlinks in PDF. Most PDF readers handle hyperlinks correctly, if they are well formed URLs, like or

I.e. if the URL is exported to PDF, most PDF readers handle them as hyperlinks. So this can also be reached without RTF, just using plain text objects.
IDEAL Software Support
Posts: 1629
Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:03 pm

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