Progress OpenEdge non-UI licensing

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Progress OpenEdge non-UI licensing

Postby chrisjones » Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:28 am

We would like to move a customer from Community to Professional VPE. We cannot licence the VPE control. Our dev environment is Progress OpenEdge. The licencing works fine in the GUI interface as Progress tools will create a .wrx file which embeds the licence details. We wish to run VPE on a server machine with no GUI interface. This works great with the community edition. We can just use
CREATE "VpeControl.VpeControl.71" phHandle, as this does not require licensing so does not require a .wrx file. We cannot licence the Professional addition as Progress do not support the .wrx files in a non GUI environment. I have raised this with Progress tech support but they have said that this cannot be done. Is there any way that I can licence the VPE professional runtime product without a Progress .wrx file?
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Re: Progress OpenEdge non-UI licensing

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:01 pm

We can create C++ source code to license the VPE ActiveX. Contact us by e-mail to discuss the cost for development.
IDEAL Software Support
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Re: Progress OpenEdge non-UI licensing

Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:28 am

chrisjones wrote:We would like to move a customer from Community to Professional VPE. We cannot licence the VPE control. Our dev environment is Progress OpenEdge. The licencing works fine in the GUI interface as Progress tools will create a .wrx file which embeds the licence details. We wish to run VPE on a server machine with no GUI interface. This works great with the community edition. We can just use
CREATE "VpeControl.VpeControl.71" phHandle, as this does not require licensing so does not require a .wrx file. We cannot licence the Professional addition as Progress do not support the .wrx files in a non GUI environment. I have raised this with Progress tech support but they have said that this cannot be done. Is there any way that I can licence the VPE professional runtime product without a Progress .wrx file?

Licensing in Openedge for .NET Controls is explainded in KB: ... ontrol-NET
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