vpeControl.Barcode Preview takes 30 seconds

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

vpeControl.Barcode Preview takes 30 seconds

Postby ds-hanau » Mon May 30, 2016 2:23 pm

Hi Vpe Team

We are using the latest .Net Wrapper with native Vpe Version (on Windows 7 if it matters).
It takes several seconds to print the document (no change with or without preview).

This sample codes demonstrates the performance lack:
Code: Select all
vpeControl.Barcode(5, 5, 20, 20, BarcodeType.Code128, "1a1a0aUNDEFa32641a1aAUPa0aEXS", "");
vpeControl.ScaleMode = ScaleMode.FullPage;
vpeControl.PreviewDoc(-1, -1, -1, -1, PreviewState.Maximized);

If we change the Barcodetext to e.g. "123456789" it prints the document at once

What is the issue in this case?
Thanks for your support
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Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:56 pm

Re: vpeControl.Barcode Preview takes 30 seconds

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Mon May 30, 2016 4:22 pm

The problem is that the manufacturer of the barcode library, which we licensed, tries to optimize the Code-128 barcode regarding its code length, by switching automatically between the charsets A, B and C. With the latest version, the library is trying all possible permutations, which can cause very long delays (30 seconds and more) to finish computations for a single Code-128 barcode, if it has a significant number of characters. Because the manufacturer did not fix the problem until today, and we have the source code, we have completely rewritten the optimization code last week ourselves, to avoid such problems completely.

We will release the fix with the next official service release of VPE, approx. in June. You - and anyone else experiencing such problems - can contact us by e-mail to receive a pre-release right now. Please provide your license key when contacting us.
IDEAL Software Support
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