Picture aspect difference between VPE3.6 and VPE 6.1

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Picture aspect difference between VPE3.6 and VPE 6.1

Postby Bengt » Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:53 am

I changed from VPE 3.6 to VPE 6.1 and got problems when printing pictures with varying height and width.

The following statement
Send DoVpePicture VLEFTMARGIN VTOP -700 -300 'logotyp.jpg' (PIC_BESTFIT + PIC_KEEPIMAGE) //Dataflex imnplementation
keeps the height/with relationship of the printed picture with VPE3.6, but with VPE 6.1 the whole 7x3 cm area is filled up making the original circle on the picture no longer round.

What can be done to keep the aspect of the printed pictures?

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Re: Picture aspect difference between VPE3.6 and VPE 6.1

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:50 pm

The FLAGS parameter has been removed from the Picture method in the year 2007 with version 4.0.

Instead, the flags are now document properties. Please see the manual / help file for details.

i.e.: VpeSetPictureBestFit(), VpeGetPictureBestFit(), VpeSetPictureKeepAspect(), VpeGetPictureKeepAspect()

After providing a stable API from v1.x to v3.x for a period of 10 years, we cleaned-up the API in v4.0. All incompatible API changes in the transition from v3.x to v4.0 are documented in the file 'Release Notes', which is installed with VPE. Search for "Compatibility Issues for Users of VPE v3.x" in this file.

Since v4.0 there are no incompatible API changes.
IDEAL Software Support
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