Spacing in VPE

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Spacing in VPE

Postby cooper.zl » Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:49 pm

VPE is great tool for forms - InteractiveFormField is useful control, but can be used only for single line. We have template and there is one field on four lines with special spacing. In MS Word we can create block of text with spacing 2 lines, but I can't do that in VPE. We cannot put on every line separate control, we need 1 for all four lines. Can you help me, how to resolve this problem, please?
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Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:41 am

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:58 pm

The control is not just for a single line. By making the height of the control large enough, you can enter as many lines as you wish, but you can not change the line spacing.
IDEAL Software Support
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