I read your FAQ entry "VPE.SetupPrinter() does not disable the window (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=89&p=229&hilit=SetupPrinter#p229) and still have a question.
I have a simple demo project with one form and one button. the button click performs just these 3 lines of code:
- Code: Select all
this.Enabled = false;
vpeControl.SetupPrinter("", PrintDialogControl.Always);
this.Enabled = true;
In this example I solved the problem that the setupdialog hides when clicking the form again.
But I still have the issue when clicking in the besides in the back of my sample application where maybe excel is opened, the setupdialog gets lost.
When clicking on the taskbar coming back to my sample application I can see my form but the setupdialog is still behind my excel applcation.
I need to open the setupdialog as modaldialog (ShowDialog) to solve this issue.
This code makes it more the way Im looking for:
- Code: Select all
var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog();
Any solution?