Cells distorted at end of page

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

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Cells distorted at end of page

Postby ptah101 » Tue May 24, 2016 4:55 pm

Good day

I have created a table of transactions that do not fit on one page. The issue i have is that the first page displays the rows correctly, then on the second page i get the first cell of the row, then page 3 has the second cell of the row and so forth ... then after that the table is displayed correctly before the same thing happens again.

I am new to VPE and would appreciate any assistance.

Below is the code that I used

Code: Select all
if (tx.Detail.Any())
                    yCoord = usage.Print(xCoord, yCoord, "[N S 14 C Black]TRANSACTION DETAILS");
                    yCoord = yCoord + .25;
                    usage.WriteBox(xCoord, yCoord, xCoord + 2.5, yCoord + rowHeight, "[S 10 C Black L]" + "From Account");
                    usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 2.5, yCoord, xCoord + 5, yCoord + rowHeight, "[S 10 C Black L]" + "To Account");
                    usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 5, yCoord, xCoord + 7.5, yCoord + rowHeight, "[S 10 C Black L]" + "Amount ");
                    usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 7.5, yCoord, xCoord + 13, yCoord + rowHeight,
                        "[S 10 C Black L]" + "Reference Number");
                    yCoord = usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 13, yCoord, xCoord + 19, yCoord + rowHeight,
                        "[S 10 C Black L]" + "Description");

                    foreach (var detail in tx.Detail)
                        usage.WriteBox(xCoord, yCoord, xCoord + 2.5, yCoord + rowHeight,
                            "[S 8 C Black L]" + detail.FromAccount);
                        usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 2.5, yCoord, xCoord + 5, yCoord + rowHeight,
                            "[S 8 C Black L]" + detail.ToAccount);
                        usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 5, yCoord, xCoord + 7.5, yCoord + rowHeight,
                            "[S 8 C Black L]" + detail.Amount.ToString("N"));
                        usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 7.5, yCoord, xCoord + 13, yCoord + rowHeight,
                            "[S 8 C Black L]" + detail.ReferenceNo);
                        yCoord = usage.WriteBox(xCoord + 13, yCoord, xCoord + 19, yCoord + rowHeight,
                            "[S 8 C Black L]" + detail.Description);
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2016 8:19 am

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