I'm trying to generate some pages with a format that I name "A3 roll". The height of the page is always 29,7 cm, and I calculate the width to be adapted to the page's content.
I always generate a pdf file with VPEngine.WriteDoc.
If the page's width (affected to VPEngine.PageWidth) is less than 508 cm it's ok, but if it is more than 508 cm the pdf is blank, and it's page size is 508 cm.
I called VPEngine.Preview to check if it is a VPE limitation, or if the problem is in pdf generation, and the VPE preview windows always displays my drawings.
So I searched on Internet or PDF limitations. And I found on forums that it was a PDF limitation (200*200 inches). But latest versions of PDF introduce a way (called UserUnits) which makes possible to grow to 15.000.000 inches !
So I wonder if you planed to support this functionality ?
Best regards.