Using VPE Standard Evaluation 3.60 for Delphi6.
I have a test program that can run a report multiple
times. I would like to use a general procedure before
starting a new report, and when closing the program,
to close VPE if there is an open document.
Using the TVPEngine properties, I can not find a way
to do this. IE. determine if CloseDoc needs to be
I have tried :
A) if not(vpe1.DispatchAllMessages) then begin // vpe still active
B) if (vpe1.DocHandle <> 0) then begin // vpe still active
These raise exception "The VPE document is not open. You
need to call OpenDoc prior to this operation"
Is there a property of TVPEngine that I can always test
to determine if CloseDoc needs to be called?