Upgrading from VPE3.1 to VPE so far went smooth. I am running VPE in the compatibility-mode with 1/10mm units.
I now ran into an issue with the preview and vertical dotted lines.
VPE3.1 showed it like this:
The vertical dotted lines ( SetPen(1, PS_DOT, <color>) ) show up as dashed grey lines, which is fine.
VPE5 now renders the same report like this:
The grey dotted lines now appear as solid black lines or do not appear at all (lower right area) or partly show up.
Zooming in shows that the lines are there and that the new preview actually is much more precise:
VPE-3.1 at 300%
VPE-5-0 at 300%
but the older preview gives a better user experience. Even at 50% the lines appear as broken grey lines.
VPE-3.1 at 50%
VPE-5-0 at 50%
I assume VPE 5 tries to be precise and due to rounding and pixel distance lines appear or disappear.
raising linewidth from 1 to 3 improves the bahavior but results in thicker lines on printout and I want them to be as light as possible.
As I now have the provessional-Version I could draw light grey solid lines in the preview and send dotted ones to printer but I'd prefer another solution.
Any Idea on this?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards from Berlin
Frank Dietrich