Dumping a template multiple times into different positions

regarding dycodoc, the visual form and document designer

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Dumping a template multiple times into different positions

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:25 pm

I want to dump one page of a template multiple times into a VPE document starting at different positions. Furthermore, this page can cause a autobreak, and should use the default output area (SetDefOutRectSP). The starting position for the first page is not necessarily the same position as the topmargin of the default output area. Is this somehow possible?

A: Make all objects top-margin dependent (or to make at least one object top-margin dependent, and all other objects dependent to each other, so that no object has an absolute coordinate).

Then you can use the following code:
template.Master = false

Doing so, will use the margins of the document where the template is
dumped to, therefore to specifiy the top coordinate (y) of the template, use the following code:
VPE.nTopMargin = y

Afterwards you can call VPE.DumpTemplate().
IDEAL Software Support
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