VPE knows the following objects:

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VPE knows the following objects:

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1.Pen Style-Object

2.Background Style-Object

3.Hatch Style-Object

4.Foreground Style-Object (accessed with VpeSetTextColor())










14.Rich Text Format (RTF)  [Professional Edition and above]

15.Chart  [Professional Edition and above]

16.User Defined Object (UDO)  [Professional Edition and above]

17.FormField  [Enterprise Edition and above]

Attributes for one object inherit to the others.


The frame is inherited from the pen. Therefore the border of a frame is drawn with the size, style and color you use for the pen.

Boxes, framed text, barcodes, and bitmaps are inherited from the frame. Their surrounding rectangle is drawn with the size, style and color you use for the pen.

Also the box implements a backgound mode (BkgMode), so the inner area of a box can be:

filled with a solid color and optionally hatched

transparent and optionally hatched

one of the gradient styles

The box of a text-box is drawn with the settings for the box.


So if you set the pensize to 0, no frame is drawn around any object.

NOTE: "Frame" is a virtual object, you cannot access it (i.e. there is no function VpeFrame or so). To draw a frame, use the method Box() and set the background transparency to "on" with "BkgMode = VBKG_TRANSPARENT".