Template Processing Tutorial

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Template Processing Tutorial

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In the following sections we demonstrate step by step how to use templates with VPE. All code samples use the "sample2.dcd" located in the subdirectory "\dycodoc\samples".

The source code samples require that your application is running on the same drive where dycodoc is installed. Otherwise insert the correct drive letter into the file name parameter of the LoadTemplate() call, for example if you had installed dycodoc on drive X: you would change the LoadTemplate() statement to: LoadTemplate("X:\dycodoc\samples\sample2.tpl").


VPE ActiveX and VCL only:

the samples require that you insert a VPE Control named "VPE" into the current form.


VCL only:

"Dim <variable> as <TVPE-Type>" needs to be translated to "<TVPE-Type>: <variable>".

For example "Dim tpl as TVPETemplatePage" becomes "tpl: TVPETemplatePage"


The dycodoc DCD file "sample2.dcd":

sample2 dcd


If you are yet not familiar on how to use dycodoc and how to create DCD and TPL files, please consult the "dycodoc Manual".

The FieldStudio field definition file "sample2.fld":

sample2 fld