Template Page Object - TVPETemplatePage

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Template Page Object - TVPETemplatePage

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This is the visual content of a template. A template consists of a set of pages you had created in dycodoc. A template may contain any number of pages.


PageWidth, PageHeight
The page width and height for the Template Page as defined in dycodoc.

The orientation (landscape or portrait) for the Template Page as defined in dycodoc.

The output paper bin for the Template Page as defined in dycodoc.

nLeftMargin, nRightMargin, nTopMargin, nBottomMargin
The margins for the Template Page as defined in dycodoc.

The number of graphical VPE Objects (i.e. lines, text, pictures, etc.) within the Template Page.

VpeObject [0...n]
The VPE Objects within the Template Page. The properties of each VPE object can be read
and / or modified.