Some Notes About VPE and RTF

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Some Notes About VPE and RTF

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Justified Text Alignment of the last Paragraph

If the alignment of an RTF object's last paragraph is justified, the last line is printed justified, too. To avoid this, finish the last paragraph with a "\par" command.


When to use RTF and when to avoid it

The RTF support of VPE is a very powerful option. Nevertheless compared to the plain text methods like Print() or Write(), RTF is slower and needs more memory. So whenever possible, you should use the plain text methods.


Line- and Page Breaks not 100% the same compared to the RTF Editor

RTF Editors like Word render the RTF text immediately to the selected printer device (the default printer) and try to copy the resulting layout onto the screen.

Since VPE guarantees to be printer independent, it uses another technology: It renders RTF text to a virtual high-resolution device (that’s, why it’s called "Virtual Print Engine") and copies the resulting layout to the output device (be it the screen, printer, fax or whatsoever).

As an implication, line- and page breaks may be on other positions than in the RTF editor that created the document. Since you have powerful control about paragraph breaks (see KeepLines, KeepNextPar, ParControl, \keep, \keepn, \widowctl), this shouldn’t be of any interest.

On the contrary. Whilst RTF editors re-render the whole document, if another printer (output device) is chosen, and often documents get a complete different layout, the layout with VPE will always be the same with every printer!