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WYSIWYG means "What You See Is What You Get;" in other words: "The output displayed on the screen will be the same as on the printer".

VPE is such a system.  But due to some technical circumstances, there are limitations of these facilities. The main point is that the resolution of the screen is rather poor compared to a printer. Usually a display has the defined resolution of 96 x 96 DPI, whilst today printers have usually a resolution of 600 x 600 DPI, which is over 6 times higher. This leads to the possibility of a "one-pixel-error".  This means that a pixel difference can always happen due to rounding problems in calculations.  Sometimes it might be more than one pixel, especially when using a different scaling than 1:1 in the preview, because of performance reasons. But be assured: VPE is a system that does its best to be WYSIWYG.  This chapter is only for people who want it quite perfectly.

(Also some problems arise out of printer- or video-driver bugs, see “Important Notes, Tips & Troubleshooting”.)