Postnet - Postal Numeric Encoding Technique

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Postnet - Postal Numeric Encoding Technique

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Field of Application

The code is used in the USA by the United States Postal Services for bulk mailings. From May 2010 on, this barcode may not be used.


Charset / Number of Characters

The charset comprises the digits 0..9.


POSTNET Code Variations:


Number of Digits

Recommended Width

ZIP Code

 5 digits + checkdigit

1.466 inch (3.72364 cm)

ZIP Code + 4

 9 digits + checkdigit

2.382 inch (6.05028 cm)

ZIP Code + 4 + Delivery Point

11 digits + checkdigit

2.840 inch (7.21360 cm)



The use of a checkdigit is required. The barcode library can generate the checkdigit automatically.



The height of a POSTNET barcode should be 0.125 inch (0.3175 cm).

The correct creation of bulk mailings requires compliance with a lot of specifications about the position of barcodes and addresses, paper types, font types, font sizes and many more.

The complete specification for POSTNET can be downloaded from the web-server of the United States Postal Services.