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MaxiCode has been developed by United Parcel Service (UPS). The primary application is transportation, and in particular the sorting, handling, and tracking of packages by carriers. MaxiCode symbols have a unique appearance due to their hexagonal modules and overall fixed size (28.14 mm x 26.91 mm). They have a distinct “bull’s eye” finder pattern of concentric circles.

Encodable character set: ASCII (ISO 646 IRV) (0 – 127) and ISO (8859-1) (128 – 255). Alternative character sets encodable using ECI protocol.

Matrix Sizes:

33 rows x 30/29 columns (interleaved):

884 hexagonal modules (cells)


28.14 mm wide x 26.91 mm high (nominally)

Quiet Zone:

1W (0.88 mm) on the left and right, 1Y (0.76 mm) on the top and bottom

Maximal Data Per Symbol:


138 digits


93 characters