Known Problems

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Known Problems

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On Win 9x/Me the GDI has 16-bit coordinates, so the dimensions of a page may not exceed 32.7 cm (12.9 inch) when using the version 4 renderer, and 138.7 cm (54.6 inch) when using the version 3 renderer. Those values apply to the preview. For other output devices, e.g. printers, the dimensions of a page may not exceed (32767 / DPI) * 2.54 cm, where DPI = the resolution of the output device.
Example: for a printer with 1200 DPI resolution, the maximum page dimensions may be (32767 / 1200) * 2.54 cm = 69.35 cm.

On Win 9x/Me objects with rounded corners may not have a gradient. Gradients are drawn outside the rounded corners on Win 9x/Me.

Please note that VPE v4.0 and higher do not officially support Windows platforms below Windows 2000.