Installation of pdftoppm

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Installation of pdftoppm

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Download the Xpdf command line tools from here:

In addition, download the archive „Type 1 fonts - Symbol and Zapf Dingbats“.

Copy pdftoppm from the archive anywhere on your hard drive. Let’s assume you copy it to „c:\pdftoppm“. Copy the folder xpdf-t1fonts from the fonts archive to c:\pdftoppm. Create within the directory c:\pdftoppm a text file named „xpdfrc“ - without the „.txt“ suffix.

Copy the following into xpdfrc (change the path accordingly to your installation path):

fontFile Symbol c:\pdftoppm\xpdf-t1fonts\s050000l.pfb

fontFile ZapfDingbats c:\pdftoppm\xpdf-t1fonts\d050000l.pfb