Font-Table structure

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Font-Table structure

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The structure is:

{\fonttbl  {<font1>}{<font2>}...{<fontN>}}

where <fontN> is a set of describing RTF keywords and the font name. There may not be spaces between the closing brace of one group and the opening brace of the next group.
The keywords reflected by VPE are:

"\f<number>" declares this entry to have the ID <number>.

"\fcharset<number>" assigns a charset (default is ANSI_DEFAULT) [for charset numbers see: property CharSet)

the font name followed by a semicolon


For example:

"{\fonttbl {\f1 Times New Roman;}{\f2 Arial;}{\f3 Wingdings \fcharset2}}"

declares the font table entry with ID 1 to use "Times New Roman", with ID 2 to use "Arial" and with ID 3 to use Wingdings which is a Symbol Charset (= 2).


Later in the document you reference these fonts with "\f<number>", for example:

"\f1 Hello \f2 World!"

where "Hello" is shown in "Times New Roman" and "World!" in "Arial".