EAN-2 and EAN-5 Add-On Codes for EAN and UPC

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EAN-2 and EAN-5 Add-On Codes for EAN and UPC

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Field of Application

In conjunction with the main barcodes EAN and UPC you can use add-on barcodes with 2 and 5 digits. The 2-digit code is often used for the issue number of magazines. The 5-digit code is often used as quotation of prices for books in conjunction with the ISBN barcode (the ISBN-barcode is an application of the EAN-13).


Charset / Number of Characters

The charset for both barcodes is limited to the digits 0..9. The number of digits is fixed:

EAN-2: 2 digits

EAN-5: 5 digits



The add-on codes EAN-2  and EAN-5 have no checkdigit.



Between the EAN main barcode and the add-on code a quiet zone of at least the tenfold of a module width is required.

It is possible to generate with the barcode library add-on codes without a main code, but barcode scanners can not process standalone add-on codes.