Data Source Object - TVPEDataSource

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Data Source Object - TVPEDataSource

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Data Source Objects describe the data sources which are used in a template. For example a database table can be understood as data source. Data Source Objects are a multi-tier abstraction layer for your real data. They can not be connected directly to a database, instead your application must retrieve the data from an underlying data source (be it a database, a textfile, a network stream or whatsoever) and feed the data by code to VPE's Data Source Objects.

A template may contain any number of Data Source Objects. Data Sources are defined in the FieldStudio. With dycodoc you insert Data Sources into a document during design-time.


The prefix of the DataSource as defined in the FieldStudio. The prefix will be used to access the Data Source within the VPE API. For example you set a field of a Data Source with the method SetFieldAsString(prefix, field_name, value)

The file name of the FieldStudio .FLD file

The description of the DataSource as defined in the FieldStudio. This is a text you may define for your end-users as a description of the Data Source.

The number of fields of the Data Source which are used in the current template.

FieldObject [0...n]
The Field Objects within the Data Source.