Community Edition

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Community Edition

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Basically, the Community Edition is identical to the Standard Edition, with the following exceptions:

Compression for generated PDF files and native VPE document files is not supported. Compressed documents are in regular 4 – 5 times smaller.

True-Type font embedding for PDF files is not supported. The higher editions of VPE are capable to embed all used True-Type fonts into the generated PDF file. When sending a PDF document to a receiver which doesn’t have the used fonts installed on her / his machine, those fonts are not displayed.

The PrintDoc() method is not provided. The preview must be shown, so the user can click onto the print-button in the toolbar. Therefore batch printing is not possible.

Embedding the preview into a host window of the calling application is not supported.

The preview can not be customized. All other editions offer to selectively hide any elements of the GUI, like the toolbar, each toolbar button, the rulers, the statusbar, etc.

No Open / Save and Help buttons in the toolbar.

The preview is not themeable, i.e. the “Whidbey” theme is the only available theme.

The scale and scale mode of the preview can not be modified by code.

No Device Control Properties, i.e. there are no methods to specify by code the page range, number of copies, collation or duplex printing, etc. or to enumerate and select a specific printer, paper bin, etc. Of course the user can make selections in the printer setup dialog shown before printing.

No special printer setup function. All other editions offer to show a separate printer setup dialog, so the user can make all selections for page range, copies, collation, duplex printing, output device etc. and those selections are stored permanently in a file for later automatic re-use.

The paper bin can not be set by code for individual pages.

No e-mail API , i.e. receivers, CC’s, BCC’s, attachments, etc. can not be set by code.

Hatching, Gradients and Rounded Corners are not implemented.

The rotation of text and images is not supported.

The image cache for fast loading and management of images is not implemented.

WMF / EMF import is not implemented, the Community Edition can read BMP images only.

Many functions to customize the behavior of VPE have been removed.