Character Properties

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Character Properties

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\f <index>

Font selection <index into font table>

\fs <num>

Font size in 0.5 pt. (e.g. 24 = 12 pt.)


bold on


bold off


italic on


italic off


underlined on


underlined off


underlined off


strike through






turn off subscript or superscript


invisible text (helpful, if documents contain instructions for the end user, which are visible in the RTF editor, but not in VPE)

\cf <index>

Forecolor <index into color table>

\cb <index>

Backcolor <index into color table>

\highlight <index>

Backcolor <index into color table>


Resets all character Properties to the following default values:

Bold (off)

Italic (off)

Underlined (off)

FontSize (12 pt.)

ForeColor (black)

BackColor (white)

Invisible (off)

Strikeout (off)

Subscript (off)

Superscript (off)


Remark: <num> is a value in twips, 1440 twips = 1 inch = 2.54 cm