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Retrieves the whole page settings (page dimensions, margins, orientation, paper bin) from the specified page of the template and sets them correspondingly in the VPE document for the current page only.

This function is useful if you need to copy page settings from a template to a page of a VPE document, e.g. because you create some pages in addition to the template by code using the VPE API.

void VpeUseTemplateSettings(

VpeHandle hDoc,

VpeHandle hTemplate,

int page


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle, the page settings of this document will be set

VpeHandle hTemplate

Template Handle

int page

The page of the template whose page settings shall be retrieved, may be in the range of
0 (= first page) to VpeGetTplPageCount() - 1 (= last page).


See Also:

"dycodoc Template Processing" in the Programmer's Manual