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Specifies the rotation for the line gradient.

void VpeSetBkgGradientRotation(

VpeHandle hDoc,

int angle


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle or VPE Object Handle

int angle

rotation angle clockwise in 0.1 degrees

possible values are: 0, 900, 1800, 2700


0 degrees


VpeSetBkgGradientRotation(hDoc, 900)

VpeSetBkgMode(hDoc, VBKG_GRD_LINE)

VpeSetBkgGradientStartColor(hDoc, COLOR_BLUE)

VpeSetBkgGradientEndColor(hDoc, COLOR_GREEN)

VpePrintBox(hDoc, 1, 1, "Hello World!")

Will draw the text "Hello World!" with a gradient rotated by 90 degrees to the right, running from blue to green in the background.