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[Enhanced Edition and above]

Specifies the relative width for thick barcode modules (1D barcodes only).

A barcode module is a line or a gap. Barcodes consist of small and thick modules.

Using BarcodeThinBar and BarcodeThickBar, the ratio of thin to thick modules can be adjusted.

void VpeSetBarcodeThickBar(

VpeHandle hDoc,

int relative_width


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle or VPE Object Handle

int relative_width

the relative width of thick barcode modules, a value of zero will cause VPE to choose an optimal value in accordance to the available space for drawing the barcode




If you set this porperty as well as the ThinBar property to zero, the barcode library will choose a reasonable value.


To adjust a ratio of 1 : 2,5 between thin and thick modules, set

BarcodeThinBar = 2


BarcodeThickBar = 5


See Also:

"Barcodes (1D)" in the Programmer's Manual