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Returns the current version number.

int VpeGetVersion(



The current version number coded as follows:

Hi Byte

= major no.

(0 - 99)

Lo Byte

= minor no.

(0 - 99)

For Example: (hex) 0x0115 = 1.21


To extract the hi-byte and lo-byte, you can use the following code (C/C++):

int version   = VpeGetVersion();

int ver_major = version >> 8;                // extract hi-byte

int ver_minor = version & 0xff;        // extract lo-byte



For other programming languages, you can use the div (division) and mod (modulo) operators:

int version   = VpeGetVersion();

int ver_major = version div 256;        // extract hi-byte

int ver_minor = version mod 256;        // extract lo-byte