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[Windows platform only, Professional Edition and above]

If you want to be able, to scale the visual content of a UDO accordingly to the scale of the Preview, the scale of a printing device or the scale of a virtual surface (i.e. when exporting to PDF or an image) you need to be able to determine onto what surface the UDO has to be drawn. Use this property as well as the UDOIsExporting property for such a task. Do not use the property IsPrinting because while the print job is running and IsPrinting = true, it can still happen that the UDO needs to be painted onto the screen Device Context, for example because you moved a window of another application over the preview of VPE.

int VpeGetUDOIsPrinting(

VpeHandle hDoc


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle





yes, the UDO has to be drawn onto a printer’s Device Context


no, the UDO has not to be drawn onto a printer’s Device Context