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[Windows platform only, Professional Edition and above]

This method only returns valid information while your application is processing the event VPE_UDO_PAINT. Calling this method while not processing the event will return invalid - and therefore useless - data.

The function returns the rectangle (this is exactly the area you may paint in) of the UDO in DEVICE COORDINATES (!) (pixels, not metric units). Therefore, independently from the resolution of the output device or the scaling factor of the preview, the coordinates are computed by VPE accordingly. Be it the 96 DPI screen, a 200 DPI fax, a 600 DPI printer or a 300 DPI exported image (yes, UDO works with Picture Export, too!).

void VpeGetUDODrawRect(

VpeHandle hDoc,

RECT *rc


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle

RECT *rc

receive parameter for the rectangle of the UDO that needs to be drawn (coordinates are in Device Units)


the rectangle of the UDO that needs to be drawn in parameter "rc" (coordinates are in Device Units)


Your application may draw inside of the returned rectangle including the coordinates returned in parameter "rc".


see VpeGetUDODC