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Returns the current font name.

void VpeGetFontName(

VpeHandle hDoc,

LPSTR value,

UINT *size


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle or VPE Object Handle

LPSTR value

Pointer to a buffer that receives the string font name (e.g. "Arial"). This parameter can be NULL, if the data is not required, in such case no data is copied.

UINT *size

Pointer to a variable that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the value parameter. When the function returns, this variable contains the number of bytes copied to value - including the size of the terminating null character. If value is NULL, and size is non-NULL, the function returns and stores the size of the data, in bytes, in the variable pointed to by size. This lets an application determine the best way to allocate a buffer for the value's data.


the current font name