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Returns the file name of the Data Source. This is the same name as the table name.

void VpeGetDataSourceFileName(

VpeHandle hDataSource,

LPSTR value,

UINT *size


VpeHandle hDataSource

Data Source Handle

LPSTR value

Pointer to a buffer that receives the string with the file name of the Data Source.
This parameter can be NULL, if the data is not required, in such case no data is copied.

UINT *size

Pointer to a variable that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the value parameter. When the function returns, this variable contains the number of bytes copied to value - including the size of the terminating null character.

If value is NULL, and size is non-NULL, the function returns True and stores the size of the data, in bytes, in the variable pointed to by size. This lets an application determine the best way to allocate a buffer for the value's data.





value retrieved successfully


value could not be retrieved (for example out of memory)


char szFileName[256];

VpeHandle hDataSource = VpeGetTplDataSourceObject(hTemplate, 0);

UINT uSize = sizeof(szFileName);

VpeGetDataSourceFileName(hDataSource, szFileName, &uSize);


See Also:

"dycodoc Template Processing" in the Programmer's Manual