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In dycodoc a unique name is assigned to each VPE Object. This function searches for a given VPE Object name in the template and returns the handle of the VPE Object.

VpeHandle EXPO VpeFindTplVpeObject(

VpeHandle hTemplate,

LPCSTR object_name


VpeHandle hTemplate

Template Handle

LPCSTR object_name

name of the VPE Object as defined in dycodoc


Handle of the VPE Object, if the object was found

NULL otherwise


The function can be used to access VPE Objects within the template directly.


VpeHandle hVPEObject;

hVPEObject = VpeFindTplVpeObject(hTpl, "Text1");

if (hVPEObject)


 VpeSetBkgMode(hVPEObject, VBKG_SOLID);

 VpeSetBkgColor(hVPEObject, COLOR_RED);



The above example searches for the VPE Object named "Text1" in the template and changes its background mode to solid and its color to red.


See Also:

"dycodoc Template Processing" in the Programmer's Manual