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[Windows platform only, Professional Edition and above]

Creates a User Defined Object (UDO). lParam can be of any value and is for your private use to identify the object later during processing the VPE_UDO_PAINT event.

void VpeCreateUDO(

VpeHandle hDoc,

VpeCoord x,

VpeCoord y,

VpeCoord x2,

VpeCoord y2,

int lParam


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle

VpeCoord x, y, x2, y2

position and dimensions of the UDO

int lParam

numeric ID to identify the UDO during the VPE_UDO_PAINT event


Special care must be taken, when creating VPE files that contain picturesor UDO's.
For details please see VpeWriteDoc.


VPE offers several methods to attach an object's position to margins and relative to the position of previously inserted objects. In addition Text, Rich Text and Picture objects are able to compute their dimensions automatically depending on their visual content.
For details please see "Dynamic Positioning" in the Programmer's Manual.


see VpeGetUDODC