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Inserts a Checkbox into the document.

VpeHandle VpeCheckbox(

VpeHandle hDoc,

VpeCoord x,

VpeCoord y,

VpeCoord x2,

VpeCoord y2,


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle

VpeCoord x, y, x2, y2

position and dimensions


The VPE Object handle of the control. This handle can be used later in your code to identify the object (for example, to set the input focus on it or to retrieve its value) and to change some of its properties.


VPE offers several methods to attach an object's position to margins and relative to the position of previously inserted objects. In addition Text, Rich Text and Picture objects are able to compute their dimensions automatically depending on their visual content.
For details please see "Dynamic Positioning" in the Programmer's Manual.


hControl = VpeCheckbox(hDoc, 1, 1, -0.5, -0.5);


See Also:

"Interactive Documents" in the Programmer's Manual.