RequestControlExit - .NET

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RequestControlExit - .NET

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[Not supported by VpeWebControl, Interactive Edition and above]

The user wishes to remove the focus from the currently focused Control. In response to this event your application can evalute the value of the Control and decide, whether the current value is valid and the Control may lose the focus or not.

ControlExitEventHandler VPE.RequestControlExit(

object sender,

ControlExitEventArgs e


object sender

the VPE document object, which fired the event

ControlExitEventArgs e

event data, derived from EventArgs, two additional members:

public class ControlExitEventArgs : EventArgs


public TVPEObject VpeObject;

// the VPE object that fired the event

public bool CanExit;




bool CanExit

is a return-parameter, i.e. you can assign it one of the following values to control the resulting action of VPE:




yes, the control may loose the focus


no, the control may not loose the focus


See also:

Interactive Documents