<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RenderPicture |
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Computes the dimensions of a given image, based on the method Picture(). The dimensions are computed including the surrounding frame, if PenSize is <> 0.
If the property PictureCache is true, the rendered image will automatically be stored in the image cache. We recommend to set PictureCache = true always.
method void VPE.RenderPicture(
VpeCoord Width,
VpeCoord Height,
string FileName
VpeCoord Width, Height
Can be used to compute either the width or the height by setting one value to a numeric value whilst using VFREE for the other value. Usually you will set both values to VFREE.
string FileName
the image file to be rendered
In case of an error, LastError is set.
The computed dimensions can be retrieved with the properties:
nRenderWidth and nRenderHeight
ActiveX / VCL:
Doc.PictureCache = True
Doc.RenderPicture(VFREE, VFREE, "image.bmp")
xsize = Doc.nRenderWidth
ysize = Doc.nRenderHeight
Doc.PictureCache = True
Doc.RenderPicture(Doc.nFree, Doc.nFree, "image.bmp")
xsize = Doc.nRenderWidth
ysize = Doc.nRenderHeight
Computes the width and height of the image stored in "image.bmp". By setting PictureCache to true, the image will be loaded into the cache, so if you insert the image later into a document, it isn’t loaded from file a second time (assuming, that it isn’t flushed from the cache, because you rendered / inserted many other - or huge - images that needed the cache). PictureCache is by default true when you open a document.
ActiveX / VCL:
Doc.PictureKeepAspect = True
Doc.RenderPicture(VFREE, 5, "image.bmp")
xsize = Doc.nRenderWidth
Doc.PictureKeepAspect = True
Doc.RenderPicture(Doc.nFree, 5, "image.bmp")
xsize = Doc.nRenderWidth
Computes the undistorted width of the image stored in "image.bmp" relative to the given height of 5cm.
"Rendering Objects" in the Programmer's Manual