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Creates a Polygon object using the current pen, background and hatchstyle. After a call to this method, the created Polygon object is ready for use with the method AddPolygonPoint() (.NET: AddPoint). See also: "Important Note About Pens, Lines, Frames, Circles and Ellipses" in the Programmer's Manual.

method TVPEPolygon [pointer] VPE.Polygon(

long Count


long Count

maximum number of points (coordinates) that can be stored in this object. One point is a pair of one x and one y value.



a handle to the object, which can be used in further calls to AddPolygonPoint().

all other Control-Types

a TVPEPolygon object, which offers the method AddPoint()


There is also an "Important Note About Pens, Lines, Frames, Circles and Ellipses" in the Programmer's Manual.