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If the page settings (page dimensions, margins, orientation, paper bin) of the template shall be used when dumping the whole template or a single page of the template into a VPE document, specify True for the parameter yes_no, False otherwise.

If you are using a template which is not defined as master, strange results can happen while dumping, if the margins or page dimensions of the VPE document differ from the template, because it can cause unwanted page breaks (objects in the template are outside of the VPE document margins, and therefore an auto page break occurs.)

property boolean [integer] TVPETemplate.Master

read / write; runtime only

Possible Values:




yes, the template's page settings are used


no, the template's page settings are not used


True = yes, this template is master

(this is the default after a template has been loaded into memory using LoadTemplate())


In dycodoc, objects can not be made dependent if they exist on different pages. Only objects on one and the same page can be made dependent. It is very useful to set Master = False if you wish to have a lot of objects to be dependent, which do not fit onto a single page in dycodoc. Solution: Create a very long page in dycodoc and place the objects on it. Load this page into VPE (which has a smaller page format defined) and set the Master property of the template to False: the objects that do not fit onto the current page are automatically broken to the next page(s).


See also:

"dycodoc Template Processing" in the Programmer's Manual