DoPrintDevData Event - Python

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DoPrintDevData Event - Python

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Is sent only while printing, exactly before printing a new page and immediately after BeforePrintNewPage() has been sent. The only use for this event is to call DevSendData() in response.

DevSendData enables your application to send escape sequences to the printing device. So it is possible to select for example an output paper bin by code (or whatever other functionality is provided by the connected printer).

integer DoPrintDevData(

PageNumber as integer



current page number that will be printed


The event handler should return:

Resulting Action







Your application should return PRINT_ACTION_OK (zero) if it processes this message without calling DevSendData().


If it called DevSendData(), your application must return PRINT_ACTION_CHANGE ( = 1).


See also:

BeforePrintNewPage Event