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Returns / sets the value of the specified control as integer.

This property belongs to TVPEObject.

property string VPE.ControlAsInteger

read / write; runtime only


If the control was created from a template and it has an associated field, you should not use this property. It is - from the programmer's view and source code logic - more efficient to use instead the field's methods and properties in order to access the control's value.

The corresponding property of the field is AsInteger.


In case of an error, an exception is thrown (for example out of memory or the field contained pure text that could not be converted to an integer value).


Dim value As Integer

Dim objControl As TVPEObject

objControl = Doc.FormFieldControl(1, 1, -9, VFREE, "123")

value = objControl.ControlAsInteger

objControl.ControlAsInteger = 456



use Doc.nFree instead of VFREE in the example above


See also:

"Interactive Documents" in the Programmer's Manual.