Closing Event - Java

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Closing Event - Java

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[GUI version only]

VPE requests confirmation from your application, if the preview can be closed.

public void Closing(

CancelEvent e


CancelEvent e

The cancel event is defined as:

public class CancelEvent extends java.util.EventObject {

private boolean cancel = false;


public boolean getCancel() {

  return cancel;



public void setCancel(boolean cancel) {

  this.cancel = cancel;



public CancelEvent(VpeControl source) {





You can call e.setCancel(true) if you want to cancel the event, i.e. deny that the preview is closed


public void Closing(CancelEvent e) {

 if (!myDataIsSaved) {


         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "You must save first.");


 else {


         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Goodbye.");

