AfterFieldChange - Python

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AfterFieldChange - Python

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[Interactive Edition and above]

A Field (not a control!) changed its value, because the associated Control was edited by the user or the content of any associated Control was changed by code.

This event is very interesting, because a Field will change its value each time the user makes a change. Evaluating this event means, that your application is informed about every single keystroke or mouse-click, which modifies a Control's content.

This is one of the few events where CloseDoc() may be called while processing the event.

The event is not fired, if you set the value of a Field by code.

integer AfterFieldChange(

Obj as TVPEField



the Field object, which fired the event


The event handler should return zero.


If you change the value of a Control by code, the AfterControlChange event is not fired. But if the Control is associated with a Field, the event AfterFieldChange is fired.

Vice versa, if you change the value of a Field by code, the AfterFieldChange event is not fired, but any Controls associated with the Field will fire the event AfterControlChange.


See also:

Interactive Documents