AfterControlExit - Java

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AfterControlExit - Java

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[GUI version only, Interactive Edition and above]

The currently focused Control lost the focus.

Normally, this event is sent if the user presses the Tab or Backtab key, or clicks with the mouse onto another control. When receiving this message, it is possible for you to force the focus to be set explicitly to a specific control by calling SetFocusControlByName() or SetFocus(). It is also possible to enable and disable other controls of the current form while processing this event.

In addition this event can be used to re-format the content of a control.

public void AfterControlExit(

VPEObjectEvent e


VPEObjectEvent e

The VPE object event is defined as:

public class VPEObjectEvent extends java.util.EventObject{

private TVPEObject VpeObject;


public TVPEObject getVpeObject() {

  return VpeObject;



public VPEObjectEvent(VpeControl source, TVPEObject VpeObject) {


  this.VpeObject = VpeObject;




VpeObject is the VPE object that fired the event


See also:

Interactive Documents