Active X

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Active X

Postby jimlac » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:56 pm

we have a problem with active X
the arrows at the bottom of the page do not work.the bottom pagination does not work either.
the problem occurs with windows 10 and version 4
version 7.10 does not solve this problem either

Is there a solution to this problem?

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:51 pm

Re: Active X

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:45 am

This is the first time we hear about such a problem.

To clarify the problem, do you mean the scrollbar for pagination in the status bar of VPE's preview window?

Please answer also the following questions:
- What development environment are you using, in what version?
- Does the toolbar work?
- Do the scrollbars of the preview work?
- Is the preview Window embedded or used as external Window?
IDEAL Software Support
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Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:03 pm

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